EDS 103, Mod5, Think

Built for Lasting Relationships

Background   Here is an excerpt from an article about Piaget's research, Piaget (1936) was the first psychologist to make a systematic study of cognitive development. His contributions include a stage theory of child cognitive development, detailed observational studies of cognition in children, and a series of simple but ingenious tests to reveal different cognitive… Continue reading Built for Lasting Relationships

EDS 103, Mod5, Think

Visual and Verbal Cues Increases Cognition

photo taken from: psychologeyes.com According to Allan Pavio there are two subsystems, one that deals with language (verbal-linguistic) and the other is specialized in processing and representation of imagery or non-verbal objects/events (visual-spatial.)   The dual coding theory proposed by Paivio attempts to give equal weight to verbal and non-verbal processing. Paivio (1986) states: “Human… Continue reading Visual and Verbal Cues Increases Cognition

EDS 103, Mod5, Think

From Novice to Expert

Cognitive Load Theory was developed by John Sweller. He published a paper on the subject in the journal Cognitive Science in 1988. "Cognitive load" relates to the amount of information that working memory can hold at one time. Sweller said that, since working memory has a limited capacity, instructional methods should avoid overloading it with additional activities… Continue reading From Novice to Expert

EDS 103, Mod5, Think

Timing Matters

photo taken from: meaningring.com   If we want an effective learning to takes place, it is with utmost importance to plan learning strategies to take advantage of both primacy and recency times for learning. Primacy effect happens when we remember what we learned at the beginning of a lesson; recency effect happens when most information is best absorbed and remembered at… Continue reading Timing Matters

EDS 103, Mod5, Think

Proper Allocation of Attention

photo taken from: ilslearningcorner.com   According to an article in verywellmind, attention is not just about the things we focus on – it also concerns all the things we manage to tune out. As per eminent psychologist and philosopher William James, “attention is the taking possession by the mind, in clear and vivid form, of one out of what… Continue reading Proper Allocation of Attention

EDS 103, eJournal Entry, Mod5

Computer Intelligence vs Human Intelligence

  According to an article from simply psychology, "at the very heart of cognitive psychology is the idea of information processing."   The fifth module in this course is about cognitive learning theories. Proponents of this theories focuses on the inner mental activities, it's like opening the “black box” of the human mind is valuable… Continue reading Computer Intelligence vs Human Intelligence

EDS 103, Mod5, Think

A Balancing Act

  Declarative Knowledge vs Procedural Knowledge   By definition, declarative knowledge pertains to the "knowledge of what", it is the knowledge of facts or concepts. Declarative knowledge is divided into: Episodic knowledge: our memory for specific events that occur in our lives or “episodes” which we can recreate at any given point. Semantic knowledge: our… Continue reading A Balancing Act